Posts tagged bravery
We're the Heroes of Our Own Stories

She took the lead and went zip lining first in Costa Rica. Then I had to try it. She was eager to run into the ocean and go past the giant waves that terrified me, yelling at me to come out and join her....

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Our Newest Theme

Welcome to our latest theme!

We've been through a roller-coaster of bravery, fear, halal snack packs and ancient Pakistani tea houses over the last few weeks. It may sounds strange, but it was all part of the plan: this month, each writer's piece is inspired by an article that has been published with us before.

We are passionately curious about uncovering new links between us and we're confident our February discoveries won't disappoint.

We hope you enjoy our latest stories as much as we've loved writing them!


Ava Senaratne
(From Sri Lanka, Dubai & Australia. Living in Melbourne)

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